As a level designer at Hazelight my responsiblity was not only the level and it's contents, but designing and scritping the mechanics. Together with another LD, I was responsible for 2 chapters.
The chapters I worked on are the Snowglobe and Tree levels. The tree level had combat and AI, which I together with a programmer were responsible for. We created and polished these levels from prototype to final product, coordinating with all departments to make it happen.
Level Design - Highlights
Using magnets we had already introduced, we twisted the concept by having the magnets slide down from the wall, creating a timer. The goal was to facilitate a lot of communication and coordination between players.
Together with programmers I designed the fish and it's behavior. It was more important that it felt scary and shocking, rather than actually difficult to avoid
Being able to move from land and water quickly and fluidly was a main priority as well. After researching, we discovered a lot of games had problems of exiting the water. Using bouys here as well to alliviate the skill needed helped a lot.
Waterpillars were was at first and extension of the swimming system, but eventually took a life of their own! To create clearity for the players, the water shader fades as you get closer, allowing you to see through it.
A fullscreen panorama view at the end of the level. To absorb and view the level you just completed. It might be novel, but it's one of my favorite moments.
A lot of camera and cinimatic work went into some of the levels and their angles. This was one of those slow moments when only dialoug played
The magnet cannon was created to be a very tactile use of magnets, aim by moving yourself. The magnets slowly slide down on the ice, creating a timer for cooperation
I really wanted to create the feeling of "the dark unknown" before you encounter the fish. To create this I added fog obscuring the fish until you are uncomfortably close, as well a clear divider between "safe" and "unknown"
To create a fun underwater level (which was one of the most challanging things I'd ever done), it was vital that movement felt fluid and easy. Even for gamers who are not comfortable with moving in 3d space. The bouys allowed player to shoot themself between them without much hassle.
Swinging upstreams in an interplay between water, swimming magnets and of course swinging
The base serves as a progress tracker where you can see how many of the generators have been turned to. To avoid the dead and empty feeling we added some ambient life
The underwater base was hard to navigate to on land, so we added a lighthouse ontop. Even if people didn't realise this, they were always drawn to the lighthouse, finding their way back to base.
Creating asymmetrical challange that actively engages both players was fun. In this one the players need to coordinate to get to the top of a tower.
More to come, haven't had time to fix it up properly!
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